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Application wrongly listed in "Manual Download Required to Publish" section

Started by Jimmy, December 20, 2023, 07:58:24 AM

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Every day I receive an email called "Patch My PC Publishing Report".

"Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client 4.10.07073" software is listed in the section "Manual Download Required to Publish/Application created".

"Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client" was installed on two computers.  I uninstalled this software from those computers two days ago. 

As of today "Patch My PC Publishing Report" is still reporting "Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client" needs a manual download.  This software is not installed anymore.  An SCCM collection used to report number of installations of this product now reports 0 (zero) installations.

How to get ride of this outdated nag about "Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client" from "Patch My PC Publishing Report" ?

Thanks !

Kyle (Patch My PC)

Hello Jimmy,

This indicates that you still have that software-enabled/checked within the PMPC Publisher and is unrelated to what is installed on your endpoints.

You will want to uncheck that software catalog entry if you wish to stop the Publisher from attempting to create/update the content and notify you that the local content repository file is out-of-date.


Thanks for your help !

I understand I can unchecked this software catalog entry.  I will try this solution.

Suppose I eventually install this software on a computer.  Will Patch My PC know this software will need to be updated without needing to manually re-check this software catalog entry ?

Kyle (Patch My PC)

The Publisher does not have any direct connectivity with endpoints to auto-enable software update content in the catalog. You would need to use the auto-publishing rules within the Hardware Inventory Scan Utility to accomplish this:


Regardless, that particular software still requires a manual download of the latest version be placed in your Local Content Repository for it to be created, which is the warning you are currently seeing.


Thanks for your help !

I've unchecked the software catalog entry for this software and it is not in the "Patch My PC Publishing Report" anymore.  Good !

Is there any configuration I can apply in Patch My PC to made it aware that a software is not installed anymore on computers and automatically remove it from the report ?

Basically, I don't understand why Patch My PC is asking me to do an action (manually download a software) if this software does not exist anymore on our computers.

As a reference here is my Auto-Publishing Rules configuration.

Have a nice day !