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Scan installed applications on trial-mode against full catalog

Started by quackpatch, November 28, 2018, 11:12:03 PM

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Hi there. We're currently on the trial version of the product and we're wondering if it's possible to use the option to "Connect to your CM database to scan installed applications that are also supported in our catalog" but to compare against the full catalog? Management wants to see the value-add of the spend. If not, would purchasing a very small number of licenses be a valid alternative? Thanks in advance.

Justin Chalfant (Patch My PC)

Yeah, you can do this today. Just uncheck use trial mode and the scan feature will work for all software.

Justin Chalfant (Patch My PC)

We will probably improve this in the future where the scan can work with all apps even if trial mode is checked.



One last thing... We're considering implementing this on a subset of the business to begin with, as such an optional Collection ID field would be useful.

Justin Chalfant (Patch My PC)

Not sure I'm following? The deployment is still controlled by SCCM so you can target exactly as needed.


Prior to the apps are being published into WSUS. For example a larger enterprise may have different subsidiaries or business units all on the same CM infrastructure and may want to break down the report by servers/OS etc whereby a report on that collection could help with the business case #smallthings

Justin Chalfant (Patch My PC)

Ah got it. That could be an interesting thing to add. We are working on a lot of other pretty high priorities around the core features of publishing and patching, but we will keep this in mind when we have the engineering cycles.