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How can I tell what apps are in my cached list

Started by GadgetGuy, March 13, 2018, 01:18:34 AM

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I selected a number of apps to download & cache for later install use on client pc's.
How can I tell from the Program what apps are in my cache.
Yes I can right click & see from the greyed out enable autoupdating of this app but is there some easy way to see what apps are cached?
Perhaps another sidetab where they are listed??
or perhaps a red tick or something like that at the end of the app name??

Justin Chalfant (Patch My PC)

This is a great idea! Today you can't tell in Patch My PC Updater if it's in the cache. You would need to go look in the cache folder. We will look into adding something in the app to let you know if the app is in the cache folder.
