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Tableau Desktop downloadlinks is broken

Started by JImmy_O, December 16, 2021, 02:23:03 AM

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The link in PatchMyPC to version 2020.4.3 is https://downloads.tableau.com/esdalt/2020.4.3/TableauDesktop-64bit-2020-4-3.exe

That link is broken, and i guess you have to update for all versions.

You will find the new links and all versions here: https://www.tableau.com/support/releases

Can you please update?

Scott (Patch My PC)

Hey :)

It looks like they have updated all of their versions in response to Log4J.

We will look to get these new versions in the catalogue asap!


Great  :)

I´ll be waiting for an update, we especielly need https://www.tableau.com/support/releases/desktop/2020.4.12 so we can use the other links later on.

Superfast respons

Omar (Patch My PC)

These updates will be in today's catalog update:
Tableau Desktop 2020.4.12
Tableau Desktop 2021.1.9
Tableau Desktop 2021.2.6
Tableau Desktop 2021.3.5
Tableau Desktop 2021.4.1
They were released late yesterday anyway :) And sorry about the old v2020.4 !


Still cant find 2020.4.12
Pointing to " FileName="TableauDesktop-64bit-2020-4-3.exe" Size="477495896" Modified="2021-03-23T09:12:00.000Z" OriginUri="https://downloads.tableau.com/esdalt/2020.4.3/TableauDesktop-64bit-2020-4-3.exe still.
Did 2 syncs.

Omar (Patch My PC)

That's because we still didn't update the catalog yet :) It will be updated in around 6 hours from now.


Aight, then i´ll await the new catalog and when it arrives i´ll get the software and updates.  :)

Omar (Patch My PC)



Would it be possible to add this to your catalog release?


The fix is Updated all log4j files to 2.17.1

Omar (Patch My PC)

Quote from: JImmy_O on February 14, 2022, 11:58:14 PM
Would it be possible to add this to your catalog release?


The fix is Updated all log4j files to 2.17.1

It's in the catalog already as "Tableau Desktop 20 20.4.2973 (x64)", We added it in Jan 18th.


Omar (Patch My PC)