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Messages - winstons

The catalog updates pages don't appear to always list app revisions.  For example on catalog update sample you provided, DBeaver was updated due to a hash change (https://patchmypc.com/patch-my-pc-catalog-update-06-10-24).

On 6/21 IntelliJ IDEA Community and Ultimate both had updates and our publisher consumed those updates that evening (~21:30 CST). When our publisher sync ran again on 6/22 the publishing report listed both those apps as being revised.
Applications Revised    Time
IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition Latest 241.18034.62 (EXE-x64)    6/22/2024 9:03:03 PM
IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition 2024 241.18034.62 (EXE-x64)    6/22/2024 9:02:23 PM

On the catalog updates https://patchmypc.com/patch-my-pc-catalog-update-06-24-24, there is no mention of IntelliJ and what was updated (and there was no catalog update for 22nd and 23rd.  We are very aggressive in our environment (speed of updates after publisher syncs) so this lack of transparency is concerning.
I just subscribed to the Catalog Release Newsletter on https://patchmypc.com/category/catalog-updates so hopefully that meets my needs. To simulate some research on a revision I just used the search bar for DBeaver but there were 14 pages of results and they are not sorted by most recent. Search results really should be sorted. If I add 2024 to the search it increases the results to 29 pages.   :(
How do I get better visibility to revisions that PMPC staff make to an update/app after its initial publication in the PMPC catalog?  I'm assuming that most revisions are to installable/installed rules or pre-install scripts and such but that is based on the couple of revisions I actually reported needed to be done and then I saw the app/update noted as revised in the Publishing Report. I want to know the details of the revisions when I haven't reported a problem. 

As an example, I'm trying to determine why some recent Ultraedit updates have not properly updated the registry and have left behind the old version settings in the Uninstall keys. I've contacted the publisher and their first question was whether we had installed MSI's over a prior EXE install and vice versa. We've been using the PMPC patch process for over a year so if that happened it would have been due to an error in the PMPC configuration for the app/update installable rules.  Having more details about revisions would allow me to investigate this further.

If there currently is no public record of what a revision contains, I'd suggest that PMPC record this information somewhere on the website and link to it from the Publishing Report. Currently the app name column is clickable for each app/update and it takes you to the vendors change log/release notes page. The revised apps could also be clickable and take you to the PMPC change log page for that revision.