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Messages - vbate

The catalog in PatchMyPC only shows version 23.2.3, whereas an update is available on Techsmiths site for 23.2.4 since March 23rd.

Can someone look into.



Ya just tried using the System account - it fails. But if I run with elevated it works fine.


Have a couple issues with the latest releases of these 2 products. I can see in their logs that they are both trying to create temporary .exe's in C:\Windows\Temp. By default in our Org we do not allow that (Applocker rules). The weirdest thing is the previous installs of these products used their own directory (not the System Temp directory). Is their anything I can do to force these apps to not use the Temp folder?. Does the %CurrentDir% variable do anything for me if I modify the commandline, or is it just the vendor has changed their package and I'm out of luck?

Good Morning Patch My PC Team!!  :)

These 2 updates have newer updates that were released by Microsoft on June 15th, just wondering when they will show up in the the catalog?


Just an FYI Spencer, I finally got around to trying this again - and the patching is working fine now with the extra command line.


The latest from the catalog is version 1.2.4240.0, whereas there have been 2 more current releases (1.2.4331 - Jun 6 and 1.2.4337 - Jun 13) from Microsoft. Just wondering when they will show up?



I tried using PatchmyPC to update this with the additional command line, but my package had hash errors. I did try this manually using the system account to install and it worked.

Setup.Microsoft.PowerAutomate.exe -install -ACCEPTEULA -Silent /SKIPSTARTINGPOWERAUTOMATESERVICE

I will try this again with PatchMyPC when a newer version of Power Automate comes out.


Yes I saw that commandline in the article u linked, going to give that a try.

Thanks for your help.


Thanks for the reply,I have attached the logs.

Failing on install

Power Automate creates a log file in C:\Windows\Temp, and seeing this in it:

[411C:6904][2023-03-06T07:59:39]e000: Apply completion Failed.Code: 0x80070643. Status code: Unexpected. Message: Service 'Power Automate log shipper service' (UIFlowLogShipper) failed to start.  Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services..

My users are standard users (do not have Admin rights)

For now I have removed this from my Software update group, and installed manually as an admin.

Please advise
