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Messages - JoeH

Are you guys actively working to try and find a way around these limitations?  Surely there is a way to get around this, even if it required something like installing Chrome or Edge on the PMPC Publishing Service machine and automate the download through the browser, or spoofing headers.  It's very frustrating that I'm spending more time having to manually download installers due to both an increase in the frequency of app updates, and an increase in the number of apps that PatchMyPC cannot deal with automatically.
For those of you having issues with the new way of doing it, you're not alone.  There's 19 pages of complaints in the blog post  :) https://devblogs.microsoft.com/microsoft365dev/retirement-of-office-365-connectors-within-microsoft-teams/
I just saw this message start popping up on every Teams notification that Publisher sends after sync runs.  Is PMPC planning to update to a new method for Teams notifications?

Action Required:
O365 connectors within Teams will be deprecated and notifications from this service will stop.
Learn more
about the timing and how the Workflows app provides a more flexible and secure experience. If you want to continue receiving these types of messages, you can use a workflow to post messages from a webhook request.
Set up workflow
Thanks.  I don't know if it's not being updated, or it's broken.  The date on the June roadmap of June 17 seems to indicate something was changed, but the entire roadmap for June is blank.  I think this happened in May as well, with the roadmap finally showing content at the end of May.
The roadmap used to list newly added applications as they were added, but it appears that is only being updated once a month now.  Is there some other place to get that information?
Thanks Jake.  We only have 4 blocking apps in our ESP profile, only one of which (Office 365) takes more than a few seconds to install.

The issue seems to be that Intune runs the detection for every app assigned as required to that computer/user, whether or not it's on the blocking app list.  With so many apps assigned as required to All Users, Intune just takes forever to run detection methods, in this case the PMPC PowerShell script, for all those apps.  Since you can't specify the order that required apps are installed, if Office 365 happens to be the 59th out of 60 apps in Intune's random app detection order, it won't trigger the Office 365 install until it's iterated through the detections for the other 58.
That's an Intune issue and not PMPC, but I figured someone may have found a better way to handle that situation.
We currently have a large number of application updates assigned to All Users in Intune via PMPC.  Unfortunately, assigning to All Users is causing the Autopilot process to take an extremely long time during the Apps portion of Autopilot due to the large number of application detection checks.  Is there a better way to handle update assignments instead of using All Users or All Devices?
Am I misremembering, or did I read somewhere that the PMPC team had come up with a way to only show the true "bitness" of an application in the "scan installed applications that are also supported in our catalog" with Intune?  Currently, that scan feature shows a duplicate number for both x86 & x64, even if no x86 version is installed.
For what it's worth, I have a PowerShell script that runs via Post Script in PMPC which disables the built-in autoupdater.

ForEach ($user in (Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Users")) {
    $jsonPath = "C:\Users\" + $user.Name + "\AppData\Roaming\Code\User\settings.json"
    If (Test-Path "$jsonPath") {
        $json = Get-Content "$jsonPath" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
        $json | Add-Member -Force -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "update.mode" -Value "none"
        $json | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File "$jsonPath" -Encoding utf8
Microsoft has just released a setting that allows users to uninstall applications from Company Portal in Intune.  It is a per application setting, so I'm assuming that it will need to be added as a setting to the PMPC console.  Any idea when that might happen?

Thanks Andrew.  I finally got it working, though not sure what changed.  Anyway, for others who come across this:

In Intune Apps, choose the MUI version.  Choose Modify command line, and enter LANG_LIST=<language code>  For example, to install US English and Spanish, it would be LANG_LIST=en_US,es_ES.  Supposedly LANG_LIST=ALL will install all languages, if you have a need for that.

These are the supported languages, according to the MSI file table as of the date I posted this:
Has anyone figured out how to install additional languages for the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Continuous MUI (x64) app in PatchMyPC?  I've tried a command-line parameter of LANG_LIST=es_ES and LANG_LIST=en_US,es_ES and neither installs anything but the default English.

Strangely enough, if set Application Language to "Choose at application startup" in Acrobat Reader itself, there's
no dialog allowing you to choose another language when you restart it.
Does PatchMyPC have any way to set Intune dependencies in the Publisher app?  I didn't see any option in the right-click menu.  If not, if I set them in Intune directly will they carry over for each app update?
Notepad++ and Acrobat Reader auto update themselves by default, and I see the option to disable the auto update feature is greyed out for those products in the PMPC console.  I'm assuming there's some issue that prevents PMPC from being able to do disable it.  Does anyone have a script or something they use to disable the auto-update features in those apps?