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Messages - PS_Alex

Thanks for the quick reply, really appreciated! (And totally understand why the icon would only show based on your tests.)

I took notice of the addition of icons in the product treeview now indicate if the product requires local content, or is configured to skip the install if running by default -- which is great!

Quick question: does this new change only add icons when these ability are determined as required by Patch My PC, or should they also appear when we enable "Manage Conflicting Process"? (Behind the scene, I suspect the Publisher only display the MCP icon for apps/updates having a McpDefaultEnabled element in supportedproducts.xml, and would not use a BlockingProcessManagementPolicy element from Settings.xml as another source for displaying the icon.)

Reading the McpDefaultEnabled element in supportedproducts.xml, I find there is useful information about why PMP recommends/enabled MCP by default for a specific app/update -- for example, for Jaspersoft Studio (EXE-x64): <McpDefaultEnabled>Returns Exit Code 1, update will fail if application is open during update process.</McpDefaultEnabled>. Is that information displayed textually somewhere in the Publisher Console?

Thanks! :)

Jumping in 'cause I have a question which is the opposite: if I do not tick "Do not include the version number in the application name", does the Publishing Service reuse the application object in SCCM -- just like it does then "Do not include..." is enabled?

I always thought that I had to leave "Do not include..." unticked in order for PMP to reuse the same application object when a new version is released and retention is enabled, but now I'm curious if my reasoning is correct.

Looking at the FAQ Are Driver Updates for Dell, Fujitsu, HP, and Lenovo Supported?, the answer is pretty clear that drivers from HP, Fujitsu, Dell and Lenovo would not be considered for addition to Patch My PC's update catalog -- since these manufacturers maintain their own third-party catalog that can easily be added to SCCM, it would hardly make sense to duplicate the feature in PMP.

I'm wondering if Patch My PC is closed to all drivers submissions, or only to those from the above manufacturers or others that provide a TP catalog for SCCM?

Thanks! :)
Makes sense! Thanks for your input!
Hey Ben!

Not really -- I'm searching for that option on "Updates" (software update packages), not for "ConfigMgr Apps" which, as you've shown, the option already exists.

Hey Hugo!

As a best practice, what would be your recommendation about certificates management? Should we remove old (expired) certificates from devices, and republish all software updates signed with the new certificate? Or would you recommend to keep both certificates (new and old) on devices, and leave already-published updates as-is?

While both options do work, I was wondering if Patch My PC has insights and best-practice recommendations.


It is mandatory for our organization to have user-facing text description in French. We observed that, for software updates generated by Patch My PC, the default description added at packaging time is English-only, and there does not seem to be a way to customize it. Not possible, also, to clear the default text and leave it empty.

As a comparison, the localized description can be customized for configmgr apps -- thus, we can set custom text in French that is re-used by the Publishing Console at every repackaging.

Any idea, except completely hiding software updates deployments in Software Center?
Hey Hugo!

Thanks for the reply! Looking at it in our dev environment, and I do see the feature. Glad it's already present in the Publishing console!
Thanks Pete!

I'll document that for our IT team, that an app that should not sync anymore must be deleted manually both from SCCM and from storage.

I'll also open an idea to enhance the Publishing console, and see what the devs think.
#Edit: PATCHMYPC-I-3297

Steps to replicate:
  • In the Publishing console, under the "ConfigMgr Apps" tab, check the box next to an application to enable this app's creation in SCCM. For this test, let's use "Git (x86)";
  • Run Publishing Service Sync, and wait for the sync to complete;
  • Go in SCCM. Observe that a Git (x86) application has been created successfully;
  • Return to the Publishing console. Untick the box in front of "Git (x86)" ConfigMgr App;
  • Run Publishing Service Sync, and wait for the sync to complete;
  • Go in SCCM. Observe that a Git (x86) application still exists. Its sources also continue to exist in the deployment type's source folder.

Is that the normal and expected behavior?
Did I miss an option somewhere in the Publishing console to remove an app (and its retained previous versions) when it gets unticked from the list of apps to sync?

If so, that's something I'll need to document when I do a knowledge transfert to my colleagues, and to remember to do some manual cleanup if and when an app gets unticked.

Thanks! :)
No problem, thanks Priscilla!

We are contemplating activating this setting globally, so while we are not currently affected by this situation, we will be in the future. No rush though. :)
Thanks Ben!

We're evaluating deploying Powershell 7 on all of our devices, so we were simply wondering if that could have adverse effects on patches installation which have a pre- or post-script. Based on your answer, that won't cause any issue.

I think I found an issue in the Publisher Settings console (version: After I set a custom location to create logs on "All Products", if I disable log management on a specific update then re-enable log management on it, the Folder path for that update has reverted to Patch My PC's default location.

Steps to replicate:
  • Under the Updates tab, right-click on "All Products", and select "Manage installation logging". In 'Folder Path', type a custom location (i.e. 'C:\MyLogs');
  • Scroll down on a specific product (i.e. "Adobe Acrobat DC Continuous (x64)"). Right-click on it, select "Manage installation logging", and uncheck 'Enable logging'. Click 'OK';
  • On "Adobe Acrobat DC Continuous (x64)", right-click on it, select "Manage installation logging", and check 'Enable logging'. Observe that 'Folder path' is now filled with 'C:\windows\ccm\logs\PatchMyPCInstallLogs'.

Expected behavior: since I have selected a custom logging location on "All Products", I would have expected that when re-enabling log management the 'Folder path' to be filled with my globally-configured custom folder path.

Strangely, the other settings seem to persist when disabling then re-enabling log management:
  • Under the Updates tab, right-click on "All Products", and select "Manage installation logging". Check 'Enable verbose logging', 'Prefix the log with computername', 'In case of installation failure...' and set a secondary location;
  • Scroll down to "Adobe Acrobat DC Continuous (x64)". Right-click on it, select "Manage installation logging", and uncheck 'Enable logging'. Click 'OK'.
  • On "Adobe Acrobat DC Continuous (x64)", right-click on it, select "Manage installation logging", and check 'Enable logging'. Observe that all the settings are still enabled;
  • Still on "Adobe Acrobat DC Continuous (x64)", uncheck 'Prefix the log with computername', then uncheck 'Enable logging'. Click 'OK';
  • On "Adobe Acrobat DC Continuous (x64)", right-click on it, select "Manage installation logging", and check 'Enable logging'. Observe that 'Prefix the log with the computer name' is unchecked.
Though if you uncheck 'In case of installation failure...', the secondary location is emptied, and checking the option again would not fill it with the globally-configured secondary location.