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Application naming and version retention

Started by TueZil, February 09, 2024, 05:45:46 AM

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Can anyone enlighten me on how pmp will react if i tick these to boxes at the same time? will the old application version still have the version in the name, or how would it work?

PMP NameVersion.png

Thanks for any clarification you can provide.

Spencer (Patch My PC)

Hello there!

Thanks for reaching out on the forum!

If you have both of those options enabled, then any newly published application will only include the name of the product and not the full version number (Google Chrome (x64) instead of Google Chrome 119.x.x.x (x64)). The version info can be found in the metadata of the application, so that's one way you can keep track of new versions.

When retention is enabled, the publisher will first make a copy of the deployed application (older version) before doing the in-place update to the content. This means that you'll see multiple packages titled Google Chrome listed in the console (up to the retained amount).

Example of what this will look like in the ConfigMgr Console.


Hello Spencer,

Thank you for your prompt response.

To confirm my understanding, when an application is updated, I will observe two applications with the same name in the list. To differentiate between them, I will need to rely on the metadata, is that correct?

As a follow-up question, I would like to know what will happen to existing applications with versions in their names when I enable the "do not include..." setting. Will they gradually disappear as I receive new updates, or will they be immediately updated to reflect the new configuration?

Thank you for your assistance.

Spencer (Patch My PC)

You're welcome!

To confirm my understanding, when an application is updated, I will observe two applications with the same name in the list. To differentiate between them, I will need to rely on the metadata, is that correct?

Yes, you are correct! You'll only see the application names listed (without version numbers) and will have to look at the metadata below to verify that version.

As a follow-up question, I would like to know what will happen to existing applications with versions in their names when I enable the "do not include..." setting. Will they gradually disappear as I receive new updates, or will they be immediately updated to reflect the new configuration?

This setting is not retroactive, so it won't remove the version numbers for existing applications. This will only affect newly published apps going forward. Once the older versions fall out of retention, then they will be removed from the console along with their source content from the AppSouce.

Hopefully that helps! 😊


That does help! Thank you very much for taking the time to help me understand this. I really appreciate your assistance.

Spencer (Patch My PC)



Jumping in 'cause I have a question which is the opposite: if I do not tick "Do not include the version number in the application name", does the Publishing Service reuse the application object in SCCM -- just like it does then "Do not include..." is enabled?

I always thought that I had to leave "Do not include..." unticked in order for PMP to reuse the same application object when a new version is released and retention is enabled, but now I'm curious if my reasoning is correct.


So I cannot figure out how to attach images, but we have both of those boxes ticked and I have 7 versions. 2 of which have no version numbers. All x64. Also, the 2nd from the latest version shows revision is at 48. Is that a lot? From the non-numbered, there are only 2. One is Edge 124.0.2478.51 (the one with 47 revisions), the other is 125.0.2535.79. The remaining 5 have version numbers between 120.0.2210.144 and 125.0.2535.67.