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Messages - Spencer (Patch My PC)

Hey Kfason,

Thanks for reaching out on the Forum!

We have received multiple requests to split zoom into two products entries. However, both versions of the product rely on the same registry entries and files, so detection would be the same for both versions.

We do have this UserVoice Item requesting this if you would like to up-vote it for tracking:

We're always looking for ways to improve detection and delivery of our products. So, if something changes on our end, we'll update that UserVoice item to inform everyone that it's now been split.

Hey MS,

That's wonderful new and thanks for the update. We'll go ahead and mark this as resolved. However, if you need anything else don't hesitate to reach back out!

Thanks for reaching out to support!

Intune updates don't support uninstalls command due to the requirement script associated with them.

You can use the Intune Application package to deploy an uninstall of the application which will remove the full version of the app, including updates.

More information of the differences between Apps and Updates can be found here:

Thank you for the confirmation! Just want to confirm, did the app containing SQLLite come from PMPC? If so, we'll want to investigate that as well. Otherwise, we can close out this thread! 😊
You're very welcome! Happy to help! 😊
You're welcome!

To confirm my understanding, when an application is updated, I will observe two applications with the same name in the list. To differentiate between them, I will need to rely on the metadata, is that correct?

Yes, you are correct! You'll only see the application names listed (without version numbers) and will have to look at the metadata below to verify that version.

As a follow-up question, I would like to know what will happen to existing applications with versions in their names when I enable the "do not include..." setting. Will they gradually disappear as I receive new updates, or will they be immediately updated to reflect the new configuration?

This setting is not retroactive, so it won't remove the version numbers for existing applications. This will only affect newly published apps going forward. Once the older versions fall out of retention, then they will be removed from the console along with their source content from the AppSouce.

Hopefully that helps! 😊
Hello there!

Thanks for reaching out on the forum!

If you have both of those options enabled, then any newly published application will only include the name of the product and not the full version number (Google Chrome (x64) instead of Google Chrome 119.x.x.x (x64)). The version info can be found in the metadata of the application, so that's one way you can keep track of new versions.

When retention is enabled, the publisher will first make a copy of the deployed application (older version) before doing the in-place update to the content. This means that you'll see multiple packages titled Google Chrome listed in the console (up to the retained amount).

Example of what this will look like in the ConfigMgr Console.
Posting an update as this is highlighted on our known issues page regarding Exit code 4 and DCU 4.8 and newer:


Dell Command Update 4.8 and newer installs an Appx package. The installation may fail with an exit code 4 if consideration has not been made for this appx package in the AppLocker rules.

Customers may observe EventID 8025 in the "AppLocker: Packaged app-Deployment" windows event log also.

Please verify AppLocker rules and exclude DCU if applicable.

Thanks for reaching out on the Forum!

For Apps to show in the company portal they'll need to be assigned as Available. You may have Assignment groups listed in the right-click option "Manage Assignments" set as available if they're showing in the company portal.

You can validate this by right-clicking on the app in the publisher and checking "Manage Assignments." If you see groups listed under "Available for Enrolled Devices" then you'll want to remove them or change them to required deployment.

More information on assignments can be found here:

Please Note: That Assignments can be configured at every level in the Publisher product list. I would confirm All Product > Vendor > Product levels do not contain available assignments to ensure apps don't show in the company portal.

Let me know if you have further questions or concerns! 😊
Thank you for confirming! We'll for sure want to take a look at the log files!

Please collect and send those logs over to [email protected] and we'll look into this for you! I'm unable to replication this issue in my lab, so the settings file may help us!
Also, if this is an already published package (not a new version of the package) then you'll need to republish it before the new settings will apply.


Let me know if that helps!

Hey there!

Thanks for reaching out to support!

Can you please collection the publisher log bundle and send that over to [email protected] with a descript of the issue/screenshots?

In the General tab of the Publisher, click on the Collect Logs button under Logging Options
Pick a Folder where you want to save the logs to
a ZIP file containing the relevant server-side logs needed for troubleshooting will be created in that location. You can then send that ZIP file over to us.

We'll look through the logs and try to repro this issue in our lab environments!


Spencer Cruz

I wanted to confirm that our devs have approved the change to include USE_LOCAL_SYSTEM=1 as a default command line arg for 9.1.3.

This should be updated later today (4pm est or sooner) in our next catalog release! Please let me know if you have any questions or issues during testing! 😊
Thanks for sending over those logs! We're investigating this further and have had success with the 9.1.3 update by adding the following command line arg: USE_LOCAL_SYSTEM=1

I'm waiting on confirmation from our app devs to confirm if this is the best solution and will update you further! We may be adding this flag as a default if this is indeed the fix!

Please Stand By!
Thank you!
Looks like an issue with removing the previous version.

Could you please collect and send the following logs to [email protected]. We'll review them and see if we need to pull or modify the patch.

When troubleshooting ConfigMgr application installation errors on a client, we will need multiple client logs. Please include the following logs:

This may be found in the %ProgramData%\PatchMyPC\ if the Install was initiated by the user from Software Center.
This may be found in the %temp% of the user who clicked 'Install' in Software Center if it was an 'Available' deployment.

We'll also want to take a look at the msi install log.