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Messages - Ben Whitmore (Patch My PC)

No worries. I haven't explicitly checked the server KB but I would be surprised if they haven't included it  8)
Hey, Travis,

Curl is released to address the vulnerability in the April 2023 Microsoft CU Update to patch the binary located at %WinDir%\System32\curl.exe

W10 - KB5025221 - https://download.microsoft.com/download/0/2/b/02b93c21-7843-4a94-95d3-72f8f8963721/5025221.csv
W11 - KB5025224 - https://download.microsoft.com/download/0/e/2/0e293c38-5a37-405a-9d88-d5f2b26a33d8/5025224.csv
Hey there, thanks for reaching out. It will be easier for us to tag the correct engineers for visibility if you can log this at https://patchmypc.com/technical-support

Thank you :)
Hi, thanks for reaching out. Response 429 is an error returned from Graph when the connection request has been rate limited. This is normally a non issue when you retry the Graph call again. Happy to help further if you reached out to us at https://patchmypc.com/technical-support so we can begin an investigation
Thanks for reaching out. We do sympathise with your position but unfortunately there is nothing we can do here. I would advise reaching out to Adobe and they may be able to give more advice on why their installers are being flagged, incorrectly, by some Anti-Virus vendors.
wow, thats a surprising standpoint  :-[
Thank you for letting us know, we will follow up too.
Oh man, so sorry, I should not have assumed that. The latest version doesn't support /S so here is the info for the previous version. We have reached out to the vendor for an update.

gs9561w64.exe /S /v"/qn /norestart"

Hi there,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

Ghostscript 10.01.0 was added to our catalogue March 22nd, and it, unfortunately, left some devices in a state where Ghostscript was no longer installed when the update was deployed.

Ghostscript includes a Patch My PC recommended pre-script to uninstall the previous version because the vendor's installer does not do this by default. This succeeded. However, the subsequent installation of the new version did not succeed, and it timed out.

The installation fails because it seems with the 10.01.0 installer doesn't like the usual /S parameter and our automation tests did not detect this.

The solution to getting the software back is to deploy the ConfigMgr App or Intune App. The original issue has now been resolved in our catalog.

Please accept our apologies that you encountered this issue. If you need any help or advice for triage, please contact [email protected] and we can give you a more targeted response.
The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send.

This is generally a firewall or web proxy. What happens if you manually browse out to the download URL for some of the updates reporting this error?
Hey there,

PMPC does not repackage Acrobat Reader, the binary is downloaded from Adobe. During our testing we check the binary for malware and record the hash. You can read our full security validation process at https://patchmypc.com/deep-dive-into-security-validation-of-third-party-software-updates-in-microsoft-sccm

All updates we add to our catalogue are scanned using Virus Total, and the results for the Acrobat Reader DC Cont 23.001.20064 installer can be found here - VirusTotal - File - 1e6d872b3023308f1dfaed643c7174542523edcc0d61429b9ecf06be884dc45e

Additionally, we extracted the EXE and ran the installer.bin through Virus Total. Those results can be found here - VirusTotal - File - 5e54975463b5f5a25d9c143e543ef967faf6c38cc4b95ceda36a1fe97efb79e9

You could also grab the .BIN file from C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Temp (location may vary depending on architecture deployed) and check it against Virus Total too.

Whilst we are not quick to dismiss as a false positive, we would encourage your security teams to validate the Adobe download link too at https://ardownload2.adobe.com/pub/adobe/acrobat/win/AcrobatDC/2300120064/AcroRdrDCx642300120064_en_US.exe

You can find the download link in our catalog by right clicking any product and choose "show package info" ( see image)

Hi There,

We havent heard any more reports about this. When Adobe Reader installs, the intaller extracts a bin file to program files and then extracts the installation files from the bin. It sounds like Defender is picking this up as a false positive.

You can verify the hash results of our scan for that files at

We would need some logs to understand how you are publishing updates and assignments. Can you use the link I posted previously to send us more details please? Hit the "Collect Logs" button on the General tab in the publisher and attach them to the case you raise on the website.

Hi Aleksander,

Do the old versions of the app that appear in the Company Portal have assignments in Intune? I haven't seen this particular issue before if you do not have assignments. We can try and help shine more light on this if you could log a ticket with us at https://patchmypc.com/technical-support

Hey Gerrit,

Can you send us some logs via the support portal so we can look through them to get the bigger picture and help you? You can upload them here https://patchmypc.com/technical-support

We will need the following please:-


Affected Client
Hey there,

We do see this from time to time but it doesn't normally point to a configuration error. Often, this is a transient issue caused by networking or service interruption on the Intune scale-set your tenant is on. We can look at the logs to see if there is anything else obvious going on. Could you hit the collect logs button on the general tab in the publisher and upload them at https://patchmypc.com/technical-support