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Allow us to set application upgrade delay on a per app basis

Started by jpratt7, January 08, 2024, 08:05:45 AM

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When viewing the "When a new application Update is available" section in the "ConfigMgr Apps Options" screen if you choose to update existing applications there is an additional setting to "Delay the in-place application upgrade" by a specified number of days.

I do not see this particular option when viewing the "Manage application update and retention..." setting on a per application basis.

Raunak Desai (Patch My PC)

Hey Jpratt,

Thank you for reaching out.

The option "Delay the in-place application upgrade by" can only be applied on a Global level, not in app level.

When a new version of an application is released, delay the in-place application upgrade by...
When this option is checked all applications managed by the Publisher will have their creation delayed by the specified number of days. The delayed date is based on the date the new application version was synchronized by the Publisher.

For example, if Google Chrome was synchronized on February 3rd, and this setting was configured for a 3-day delay, you would expect to see the application be updated in Configuration Manager during a publisher synchronization on February 6th.

This feature will result in a logline similar to the below.

The updating of the SCCM Application... is delayed due to settings

Hope this helps.


Thanks for that.
I wondering if its possible to enhance the tool so that this setting can be applied at the per application level.

Raunak Desai (Patch My PC)

Hey Jrapt !

That's definitely a good feature request. I would recommend you to raise it via our ideas page : ideas.patchmypc.com


Liviu (Patch My PC)

Providing a quick workaround for those that need to publish one app only, overriding the delay:

1. Go to the ConfigMgr app tab --> Options --> and uncheck the delay option --> OK
2. right-click on the software you want to immediately publish without delay and choose the "Publish this product during the next manual sync" right-click option.
3. Go to the "Sync Schedule" tab --> press the "Run Publishing Service Sync" button. You'll be presented with a prompt confirming that only the software you selected at Step #2 will be published.
4. Wait for the software to be published.
5. Once that software is published, go back to the ConfigMgr apps tab --> Options --> Enable the Delay option again.

Not the perfect workaround, but should be a viable one until we have a better option in place.