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There is a HKCU equivalent of that key also in case it was a per-user MSI:


Windows Installer also caches MSIs under C:\Windows\Installer with a random filename, check out the LocalPackage value under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products\$CompressedGuid\InstallProperties.

If all else fails and you need to take the nuclear option to remove the record of an MSI from the system (which may leave some of its contents behind), there is MsiZap.exe from Microsoft; and there is a community PSADT extension for it here:


Although I should point out this extension replaces an existing toolkit function Execute-Msi, which is not good practice.
Hi Dan,
Thanks for trying to help!
I tried your fix. Unfortunately it's still looking for the msi file in the old location even after changing the path in that reg key.
I've searched through the registry for other places where that SourceList might be found and changing the path ther as well. Still no luck.
After updating Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 to most recent update Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x86) and (64x) 14.38.33135.0, I continue to be notified that the following versions (shown below) are out of date, without the option to update them in Patch My PC.

Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x64) - 14.38.33130  -  14.38.33130.0
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x86) - 14.38.33130  -  14.38.33130.0

How can I remedy this error?

Thanks for your help.
Looks like they reverted?  Got this on last night's sync:

Downloaded Hash [0K1ab9d40nkYni8aAK+DRd5u6aU=] Catalog Hash [vf7Bt7gvdyd8jx1AmIPpq9Hd6b0=]
Perfect. I will check with the BI team.

Thank you!
Hello Eric,

We are a bit limited in terms of what we can provide from an Intune reporting perspective. You can use the following PowerBI report in conjunction with the App. Manager Utility to get some general reporting information:


Beyond that, we are currently in the process of developing/enhancing our Advanced Insights reporting solution to work with the Intune data set. More news on that will be released later this year.

Is there a way to have an overview of all deployed PMPC updates from Intune ?

It's kind of annoying to check the status of each and every deployed apps. Custom Workbook in Azure maybe ?


Furthermore; it looks like you were getting an error uninstalling an MSI because Windows Installer was looking for the cached MSI in order to perform the uninstall. So it wasn't a matter of where the PSADT Remove-MsiApplications function was looking for the MSI, it's more that Windows Installer itself was looking for it. When this happens, you can update the sourcelist for the app as above.

Firstly, if this is an SCCM application, then SCCM has native functionality to manage the sourcelist; just browse to the MSI file via the bottom of the Programs tab of the Deployment Type properties. The Patch My PC Publisher does not fill this in, which is something I will raise.

If you want to add/replace the SourceList via PSADT though, there is a community extension for it here that you might find useful:


Otherwise, for a more manual approach using the registry, you can get the ProductCode of an MSI application via PSADT (which looks at the uninstall keys like HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall):

$ProductCode = (Get-InstalledApplication -Name 'Acrobat').ProductCode

Or native PowerShell:

$ProductCode = (Get-Package -Provider MSI | Where Name -match 'Acrobat').FastPackageReference

Then you will need to convert that GUID to a new format:

$CompressedGuid = -join (($ProductCode | Select-String -Pattern '^\{?(.{8})-(.{4})-(.{4})-(.{2})(.{2})-(.{2})(.{2})(.{2})(.{2})(.{2})(.{2})\}?$' -AllMatches).Matches.Groups[1..11].Value | ForEach-Object { $CharArray = $_.ToCharArray(); [System.Array]::Reverse($CharArray); -join $CharArray })

Then you can look up the reg key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Products\$CompressedGuid\SourceList".
I was wondering how these actions are performed when calling for RemoveMSIApplication in PADT.
Reason I ask, is that I'm trying to change the value returned as LastUsedSource to point it to a different location.
Thanks in advance!