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Visual Studio Code, Process not stopped before update

Started by zensbert, January 31, 2024, 08:01:45 AM

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the Updater doesn´t close the visual Studio Code process (although i checked the box to stop the processes). So the update of visual studio code is not working.

The Logfile only shows:

25.01.2024 16:47:53 - Run With /AUTO /S Switch
25.01.2024 16:47:53 - OS: Microsoft Windows 11 Enterprise x64

25.01.2024 16:47:53 - 1 App(s) to install or update...
25.01.2024 16:47:53 - Download size: 90,42 MB
25.01.2024 16:47:53 - Download Starting for: https://vscode.download.prss.microsoft.com/dbazure/download/stable/8b3775030ed1a69b13e4f4c628c612102e30a681/VSCodeSetup-x64-1.85.2.exe
25.01.2024 16:47:53 - Downloading:  Visual Studio Code 1.85.2 (x64) (90,42 MB)
25.01.2024 16:47:53 - Download URL:  https://vscode.download.prss.microsoft.com/dbazure/download/stable/8b3775030ed1a69b13e4f4c628c612102e30a681/VSCodeSetup-x64-1.85.2.exe
25.01.2024 16:47:53 - Download Path:  C:\Program Files\DAA\PatchMyPC\Downloads\Visual Studio Code 1.85.2 (x64).exe
25.01.2024 16:47:57 - Total download time in seconds: 3,27
25.01.2024 16:47:57 -  Visual Studio Code 1.85.2 (x64) Downloaded Successfully

25.01.2024 16:47:57 -  Silently install Visual Studio Code 1.85.2 (x64)

but nothing happens for hours. i can see the code.exe still running in taskmgr. In the ini-file the option Chk_Options_AutoCloseAppsBeforeUpdate is set / active.

Thanks for your help,

Omar (Patch My PC)

Hey there, thank you for reporting this! And sorry for the late reply :( 
This will be fixed in the next release of the home updater, But please be very careful because this will auto-close VSCode if you are coding while the home updater is updating!