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Messages - Andrew Jimenez (Patch My PC)

This is expected. For products that have multiple major versions, we will only update within that version, You should be able to deploy the App of version 11 to upgrade version 10.

For more info, check this KB article: https://patchmypc.com/products-multiple-versions-patch-my-pc
The updates are helpful for situations where you do not know where the software is currently installed. The updates have an applicability rule to determine if the software is installed before it runs the update. This helps simplify things, as you do not have to make a group for each specific update, as you can just deploy the update to "All Devices" or similar, and the updates will only install where they are needed.

We have a KB article describing the different use cases here: https://patchmypc.com/intune-apps-vs-intune-updates
The applicability scripts look for any older version of the software, unless the version number is called out specifically in the Product name in the Publisher.

What is likely happening is that you have deployed the 32-bit EXE while having a 64-bit MSI installed or some other combination of installer type and architecture. If the installer type or architecture of the update don't match, the update won't be applicable. If you think you have the 64-bit version of 7-zip, deploy both the MSI and EXE updates, and one of them should be applicable and update your device.
I'm interested in collecting feedback on these. Feel free to submit them on the ideas page. Device drivers become a very deep rabbit hole when it comes to testing, versioning and targeting for devices. So, in general, we are reticent to add them. However, we are also open to exploring new ideas.
This was shipped in yesterday's 4/4/2024 catalog release.
Perfect, the case was actually assigned to me :)

I'll continue via the support route and mark this as solved for now.
Based on the information provided. It sounds like there is an issue with the WSUS Code-Signing certificate on this machine.

An error occurred while extracting the certificate from WSUS:  C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Temp\PMP-c45ja3yy\eixflf02.tmp : The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a receive.

Is likely the cause of your failures.

Is WSUS installed and configured on this server? Can you open the WSUS Console?

We'll likely need logs to troubleshoot further, feel free to open a case with us here: Technical Support

For custom apps, we require a silent install argument for the installer at this time, however, we may remove that requirement in the future. If the installer is running in the background, typically that means that the installation is never completing. This is usually due to incorrect install parameters.

It is always recommended to ensure that you can install the software silently in an admin (or better yet, psexec running as SYSTEM) command prompt before adding the application to Custom Apps.

We were unaware of a new major version. We'll look into getting this version added to our catalog!
Hello, we've attempted to replicate this issue with various setups and have been unable to replicate. Can you please open a support request here: Patch My PC Technical Support
Please provide information about the initial installation, as well as the MSI logs.
I would publish the base install app with Patch My PC, then uncheck the product so that Patch My PC does not update it further. Deploy out the base install, then let Zscaler handle it from there. The only issue you will run into is if you want to deploy an OLDER version from Zscaler, because then the Patch My PC app will continuously re-upgrade it if it downgrades.
For Zscaler, our we provide the latest available release. I would say if you want to manage the deployments beyond deploying the latest release, use the Zscaler console over using Patch My PC. If you always want the latest available, then the Patch My PC update is the way to go.

I would use scenario 3, and add a prescript. The prescript would do the following:
  • Determine the audience (not sure how to do this, maybe a registry value on the endpoint)
  • Copy the appropriate audience file to the path: Copy-item $PSScriptroot\Teamviewer_Settings_1.tvopt $PSScriptroot\TeamViewer_Settings.tvopt

When setting up Patch My PC, in Additional files you would have 2 additionalfiles instead of 1:
  • Teamviewer_Settings_1.tvopt
  • Teamviewer_Settings_2.tvopt

Everything else would be the same
Update here. An internal bug has been submitted to the dev team. The following can be used as a workaround:
  • Navigate to the ConfigMgr Apps tab
  • Select then de-select any product (this will light up the apply button)
  • Make your changes to Manage Conflicting Processes
  • Click Apply
  • Save and Close, then check that the settings adjustment was saved.