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Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place or it doesn't exist. I know about PatchMyPC-PublishingHistory.csv but it's lacking assignments along with availability. Does this information exist?

I'm also looking for an export of what applications I currently have configured in the publisher. As I deploy more applications it's hard to keep track of what I've configured and who I've deployed too.

If these don't exist, I'll be happy to submit and idea.


This post is just an inquiry for information and to gain some insights on best practices and to see how others are doing stuff.

During our onboarding session a couple of months ago, we didn't enable Updates for SCCM.
Meaning: Only Applications will be updated.
Also, I am one of those who is not a fan of ADRs anyway. :-X

However, PMPC does not deploy the new versions automatically to the same collections as a previous version, like it is the case in Intune.

We have, during our onboarding session, set this option:
Create a new application without modifying any previous applications.

The default option, which is "Update existing applications metadata, deployment type, etc..." doesn't sit right with me.
I feel more comfortable having one or two previous versions of the application, just in case I need it.

I am wondering if ADRs are really the only feasible way to automate this in SCCM? Or should I change the way SCCM Applications are deployed.

I like what is happening in Intune...
You have a regular app and an Update app. The Update app has a requirement script which makes sure the app is only updated if the requirement is met.
Quote from: Omar (Patch My PC) on June 27, 2024, 03:41:18 AMThe portable is not available officially anymore, we will replace it with the installer in the next update of Patch My PC.
Any update?
Quote from: louisegull on July 12, 2024, 01:19:32 AMHello,
I'm using PatchMyPC with WSUS to deploy third-party updates to our servers. However, I have an issue where updates for applications like 7zip are bundled together with KB/security updates. This means that I have to install all updates rather than just the specific third-party update.
How to install only the third-party updates outside the maintenance window?
Thanks in advance

Hi louisegull,

I'm struggling a little to understand what you're asking.

Would it be possible to schedule a call so you can show me in a screenshare?
I'm using PatchMyPC with WSUS to deploy third-party updates to our servers. However, I have an issue where updates for applications like 7zip are bundled together with KB/security updates. This means that I have to install all updates rather than just the specific third-party update.
How to install only the third-party updates outside the maintenance window?
Thanks in advance
For those of you having issues with the new way of doing it, you're not alone.  There's 19 pages of complaints in the blog post  :) https://devblogs.microsoft.com/microsoft365dev/retirement-of-office-365-connectors-within-microsoft-teams/

We've done some initial investigation on this. The Publisher currently uses MessageCard and not AdaptiveCard, so the built-in workflow templates will not work with the format of the message the Publisher is sending. We are currently determining the best course of action, but at the moment we will likely need to fix this in a future Publisher release.
Hey there!
Thank you for the heads-up! We were still monitoring the other "Citrix Files" website! no wonder we haven't got any updates notifications! 😅 We will update both today! Thank you again!
A little history: Sharefile was spun off from Citrix and is now owned by Cloud Software Group and is hosted on www.sharefile.com

In PMPC Publisher, Sharefile for Outlook is still listed under Citrix as "Citrix Files for Outlook" - this entry will bring down version, released 4/17. This is also the latest version still available on the Citrix site, even though the download link in Publisher points to sharefile.com

The newest version of Sharefile for Outlook is available here: https://dl.sharefile.com/sfo-msi and is version, released 7/1

Can someone look into updating the process for Sharefile for Outlook?

Thanks for all the great work you guys do!