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Power Automate for Desktop failing to install

Started by vbate, March 06, 2023, 12:55:46 PM

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Failing on install

Power Automate creates a log file in C:\Windows\Temp, and seeing this in it:

[411C:6904][2023-03-06T07:59:39]e000: Apply completion Failed.Code: 0x80070643. Status code: Unexpected. Message: Service 'Power Automate log shipper service' (UIFlowLogShipper) failed to start.  Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services..

My users are standard users (do not have Admin rights)

For now I have removed this from my Software update group, and installed manually as an admin.

Please advise


Spencer (Patch My PC)


Thanks for posting on the forum!

For this issue we'll want to look at those client-side logs and try to reproduce it on our side.

Can you please send the following logs to Support@patchmypc.com and we'll investigate further!

When troubleshooting update installation errors on a client, we will need the following client logs:

%WinDir%\CCM\Logs\PatchMyPC-ScriptRunner.log (If exist)
This may be found in the %ProgramData%\PatchMyPC\ if the Install was initiated by the user from Software Center.
You need to run Get-WindowsUpdateLog on Windows 8.1 and newer in PowerShell.

We'll also want the MSI log file found in C:\Windows\Temp


Spencer Cruz



Thanks for the reply,I have attached the logs.


Spencer (Patch My PC)

Hey Vern,

Thanks for the log files!

After further review it looks like this may be an issue with Security Policies blocking the NT SERVICE\UIFlowService from logging on as a service.

I would verify if you have any GPO's in place for "Deny log on as a service" policy and see if there is an account in there that may be blocking that service from running (i.e. Everyone)

For more information, please reference the following link:


Spencer (Patch My PC)

Hey Vern,

Wanted to post a follow up that may also help!

You can try to add this command line argument via the right-click option "Modify Command Line" and see if that helps:


Note: That this will prevent the service from trying to start resulting in a 3010 or reboot being required to complete the installation and hopefully start the service again.

I would recommend testing this to ensure you get the proper outcome. However, that is also highlighted in the article above as a recommended solution for some of the other errors with PAD.



Yes I saw that commandline in the article u linked, going to give that a try.

Thanks for your help.


Spencer (Patch My PC)

You're welcome, Vern!

Please do let us know the results of your testings! We may need to update our Known Issues page with this information for other interested parties! :)





I tried using PatchmyPC to update this with the additional command line, but my package had hash errors. I did try this manually using the system account to install and it worked.

Setup.Microsoft.PowerAutomate.exe -install -ACCEPTEULA -Silent /SKIPSTARTINGPOWERAUTOMATESERVICE

I will try this again with PatchMyPC when a newer version of Power Automate comes out.


Spencer (Patch My PC)

Awesome, glad the manual test proved successful! Once the new version is released (Should be in todays catalog) let us know the outcome! Fingers crossed; it should be the same as running it manually! :)

Spencer (Patch My PC)

One thing I wanted to add here! When using the following command line (/SKIPSTARTINGPOWERAUTOMATESERVICE) and if you're using Manage Confilicting Processes, please ensure that the option to "Prevent the end user from opening the application." is NOT checked. As this will cause the install to hang and fail.

More informations can be found here: https://patchmypc.com/manage-conflicting-processes-when-updating-third-party-applications


Just an FYI Spencer, I finally got around to trying this again - and the patching is working fine now with the extra command line.

