Innovative reporting and patch compliance solution for ConfigMgr

Navigate the depths of your data with drillthrough dashboards
Dive deeper by transforming data-dense information from ConfigMgr into rich, high-quality visual reports. Advanced Insights features provide plenty of reporting options to show you endpoint compliance from individual updates, software update groups, software update deployments, and more.
Advanced Features
Transforming complex data into rich, high-quality visuals requires versatile features. Advanced Insights feature set provides plenty of options.
Beautiful data.
Streamlined reporting.
Actionable insights that can be continually filtered and exported for instant results to maximize your productivity
Dashboards for devices, users, apps, Office, updates, OS Deployment, BitLocker, Endpoint Protection, and more
Streamlined software update compliance reporting
A single source of truth across all areas
Endpoint compliance summary and detail through a single window
Threat analytics dashboard
Identify the most important update-related risks
Quickly and easily view appropriate remediations for all update CVEs
Track Cyber-Essentials compliance
Data from Microsoft Security Research Center, NIST, and RedHat
A helping hand for the helpdesk
One friendly portal for helpdesk analysts to access the dense, valuable data on any user’s devices, applications, available RAM, required updates, and more
Empower analysts to instantly take action on any information found in ConfigMgr with the tools built into Advanced Insights
Discover better insights on your data
Download the Advanced Insights Datasheet
Gain insight into your security
Actionable Insights
Risk Radar
True patch compliance
Compliance Perfected
Insights Amplified
Book a Demo!
Schedule a Live Demo with an engineer and witness the transformation of complex configuration manager data into rich, high-quality visuals yourself.
Placeholder FAQ
Is Advanced Insights for both ConfigMgr and Intune?
Advanced Insights is available for ConfigMgr only for now. Implementation of Intune reporting is currently on our roadmap.
What is Advanced Insights?
Advances Insights is a dashboard portal for reporting on a ConfigMgr data set. It pulls data from the entire ConfigMgr landscape. This reporting focuses on software update compliance reporting and inventory status configuration.
Is Advanced Insights available with all Patch My PC subscriptions levels?
Advanced Insights is available for Enterprise Premium subscriptions. We do have Patch Insights for Enterprise plus subscriptions. Patch Insights will give you in depth reporting about patching compliance in your environment.
Placeholder FAQ
Can I take action on the data in the reports?
Yes, everything in the portal is clickable for more data, and we surface right-click actions (policy, scan, etc.) as well as restart, ConfigMgr remote control actions from the portal.
Does Advanced Insights have role-based functionality?
Can I export the data to Excel?
Yes, you are able to export a variety of datasets to Excel.