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The Carbon Footprint of dropping installer caching...

Started by topbanana, January 20, 2025, 11:48:18 PM

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As most of us know, the defining feature of Patch My PC was its ability to cache all the installers it downloaded, in a definable path.

This allowed you to run updates on one of your many computers, downloading all the updates once, and then move on to the next, and the next computer, where PMPC would then simply find the already downloaded, cached installer in its cache folder, perhaps on your network share, on the usb stick pmpc is on, etc...  and it would immediately start installing the software updates, or the newly ticked software you wanted to add.

This not only saved time, but it also saved on bandwidth, data.
Some of the apps were hundreds of MB in size.

So with this new version of PMPC, this functionality has been axed.  It can't do it.

Now our task of installing the app on a new pc, or a fresh windows install, or just updating all the apps takes a lot longer.  And it uses up bandwidth of the internet connection you're on.  And it costs data, which is still limited for many, many users, and even costs them money per MB!

And of course, this downloading of the installer EVERY time, on you many PCs adds a carbon footprint.  As Time & Electricity cost energy.
And i don't know about you, but there's a lot of reporting in the news these days about CO2 Emissions... Something that we should apparently be aware of, we should try to reduce...

Did the management consider the carbon footprint when they ordered the axing of the caching function?

It's not just PMPCs defining feature.  It also has real world consequences.

We look forward to the return of this functionality.

Michiel (Patch My PC)

Hi, thanks for your suggestion! A Feature and Application Request has already been submitted for this, so feel free to upvote it:

Re-add the option for Don't Delete App Installer Files