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Freeze Update version

Started by Iraklis, January 16, 2024, 03:24:34 AM

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Hello dear Forum,

I would like to know if it is possible to freeze an update for some period.
Or if we can skip some future versions?

Thank you in advance!

Ben Whitmore (Patch My PC)

Hello Iraklis,

We have a right-click feature called "Pause product updates" which will not process specific apps during publishing - effectively freezing the last version that you published.



I see now that the pause can be set to max. 6 months. We would like it to have it longer for some software.

Is it possible to extend the pause longer that 6 months?

Ben Whitmore (Patch My PC)

Hi Iraklis,

It is not possible to pause it for longer. We would suggest un-ticking the product if it is not your intention to publish it within 6 months. You can go ahead and check the box for the product when you want to resume patching. Hope that helps

Hugo Marinho (Patch My PC)

Hi there Iraklis,

Just to complement my colleague Ben reply, if that's something you like to see implemented, you can create a request for it in our ideas portal, so that our dev team can have a look and assess if it's feasible or not:

Ideas are assessed as a best effort basis and they are not guaranteed to be implemented, just to be transparent.