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Possible to customize description for software updates?

Started by PS_Alex, November 09, 2023, 09:04:34 AM

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It is mandatory for our organization to have user-facing text description in French. We observed that, for software updates generated by Patch My PC, the default description added at packaging time is English-only, and there does not seem to be a way to customize it. Not possible, also, to clear the default text and leave it empty.

As a comparison, the localized description can be customized for configmgr apps -- thus, we can set custom text in French that is re-used by the Publishing Console at every repackaging.

Any idea, except completely hiding software updates deployments in Software Center?

Ben Whitmore (Patch My PC)

Hi PS_Alex,

You can right click a configmgr app/product in our catalog to change the localized description. Does this help?


Hey Ben!

Not really -- I'm searching for that option on "Updates" (software update packages), not for "ConfigMgr Apps" which, as you've shown, the option already exists.
