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ConfigMgr Applications Uninstall/Repair commands

Started by JimWebb, May 27, 2021, 02:06:42 PM

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Are the uninstall and repair command lines replaced when the application is updated? I'm trying to use a custom repair command for the Teams x64 application and it was changed back to the PatchMyPC default. Can an option be added to not override a custom uninstall command? Also, it would be nice if the uninstall command could be turned off per app as well as the repair feature. We don't always want to enable those options.

This request covers custom repair command.


Jake Shackelford (Patch My PC)

Currently it will get overridden, I see you've already created an idea over on our ideas page that would be the first step in getting it implemented.
I am curious though what custom uninstall command were you trying to pass?


The problem we face is when the machine-wide installer puts the Teams.exe under Program Files it's from the date of the install. This means that if Teams was installed in early 2020 and someone new logs into the computer in 2021, the Teams client that get's installed could be almost a year old. Depending on the age of the installer, the user may have to wait until Teams has been updated. My repair script runs a repair of the machine-wide MSI which updates the Teams.exe file under Program Files. Then using parts of the PSADT the script runs Teams.exe as the logged in user. So if Teams didn't auto install for a user, they can click the repair button and it will make sure they have the current Teams client right then, no waiting to update.

At this point I'm going to have to make a copy of the Team(s) applications so I can customize the repair and remove the uninstall commands.
