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Command Line Switch Feature Request

Started by dudemcdudedude, March 19, 2019, 06:14:33 PM

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Ability to run patchmypc /info (or whatever you want to call it) to give a list of software that it sees installed and whether it is up to date or not. Current version should be listed I would pay to have this feature implemented if that would help get this implemented.

Example below.

AdobeReaderX,,Up to date
Google Chrome,,Not up to date


This is a great idea, I too would love to see this!
I can imagine the /info idea would help me a great deal in determining what applications need updates and help me in my setup.
I would love to see this implemented as well, love your product so far, keep up the great work!




Please implement this feature, or take the dude up on his offer to pay to implement. This is what I would consider core functionality for a product like this.