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Docker Desktop 4.27.2 not available in Patch My PC

Started by muja1913, February 12, 2024, 10:59:30 PM

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Recently Docker released new version 4.27.2 which fixed some critical bugs in previous version of Docker.

But still we didn't get the latest version through Patch My PC publishing service.

Can you please check if this latest version has not reached our servers yet?

Docker Ref URL : https://github.com/docker/compose/issues/11421


Liviu (Patch My PC)

Hello muja1913,

Thank you for letting us know we missed this release.
Our automation broke for this software and failed to let us know a newer version is available.

It will be added to our catalog with today's release.

Liviu (Patch My PC)


Hi Liviu,

Today we received the update.

Thank you for your quick action.


Liviu (Patch My PC)

And thank you for letting us know we missed this one.

Automation can break at times and cause us to miss an update, we are always grateful of our customers when they let us know!