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Cisco Webex Updates

Started by mpotase, October 03, 2023, 10:22:11 AM

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ok it appears that PMPC is not updating Cisco Webex client on several of my devices. these are a mix of system and user installs. Will PMPC handle the user install update for this or is this out of scope for updates. i see them both in the HW inventory and PMPC is discovering it in the PatchMyPC-SoftwareDetectionScript.log. but the software is not being updated.

Any thoughts or ideas are welcomed.


Hugo Marinho (Patch My PC)

Hi there mpotase,

We kindly ask you to send over some log files to [email protected] for us to be able to give you proper support on your specific situation, we ask of you to pull the logs listed below from a client where updates are failing to install:
%WinDir%\CCM\Logs\PatchMyPC-ScriptRunner.log (If exist)
This may be found in the %ProgramData%\PatchMyPC\ if the Install was initiated by the user from Software Center.
You need to run Get-WindowsUpdateLog on Windows 8.1 and newer in PowerShell.

And the ones below from the server side:

Looking forward to review your log files :)


Any update on this? It'd be hugely beneficial for PMP to approach this broadly instead of case-by-case. I'm unable to patch per-user installs of WebEx.