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PMPC Advanced Insights Warranty

Started by jcochrane, September 28, 2023, 07:42:37 AM

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I was hoping someone could help me with Advanced Insights warranty information. I don't see a spot for those questions in the forum. I'm trying to look at warranty information and it's not pulling information for any HP or Hewlitt-Packard. It is now doing some Dell but not all. I have the Dell API key and secret, but I dont see anyway to configure it for HP or Hewlitt-Packard. Any help would be appreciated.

Ben Whitmore (Patch My PC)


Unfortunately, HP pulled their warranty API, see more at https://developers.hp.com/hp-client-management/forum/warranty-api-currently-unavailable

There is no other accurate way to pull inventory data for HP devices. For this reason, we can only pull in warranty data for Dell and Lenovo devices.


Thank you very much for the information on HP Warranty Ben. I'm still curious why some Dell computers are showing unknown in the Warranty tab, but when you click on the computer and go to the warranty tab, they do show as in warranty?


Hey Ben,

There's an Enterprise API available for Enterprise customers that we can pull warranty data from. Any chance of implementing that? I can provide you details privately if you need them.



Hugo Marinho (Patch My PC)

Hi there jcochrane,

We're sorry to hear that you are experiencing that situation, I would recommend you to open up a support case with us as it seems to be related to your own environment and not a general issue, you can do so by sending an e-mail to [email protected] describing the situation and one of us will have a more detailed look and help you out there.

Thank you for your time and patience.

Ben Whitmore (Patch My PC)

Hi @Kevin.McCurdy!

Yes please reach out, all previous paths we have followed to a HP Enterprise API have resulted in closed beta pages. Can you ping [email protected]?