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Unchecking a ConfigMgr App won't delete previously created apps in SCCM

Started by PS_Alex, August 30, 2023, 05:41:37 PM

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Steps to replicate:
  • In the Publishing console, under the "ConfigMgr Apps" tab, check the box next to an application to enable this app's creation in SCCM. For this test, let's use "Git (x86)";
  • Run Publishing Service Sync, and wait for the sync to complete;
  • Go in SCCM. Observe that a Git (x86) application has been created successfully;
  • Return to the Publishing console. Untick the box in front of "Git (x86)" ConfigMgr App;
  • Run Publishing Service Sync, and wait for the sync to complete;
  • Go in SCCM. Observe that a Git (x86) application still exists. Its sources also continue to exist in the deployment type's source folder.

Is that the normal and expected behavior?
Did I miss an option somewhere in the Publishing console to remove an app (and its retained previous versions) when it gets unticked from the list of apps to sync?

If so, that's something I'll need to document when I do a knowledge transfert to my colleagues, and to remember to do some manual cleanup if and when an app gets unticked.

Thanks! :)

Pete (Patch My PC)

Quote from: PS_Alex on August 30, 2023, 05:41:37 PMIs that the normal and expected behavior?

Yes, that's normal behavior, the publisher can create the apps and send them over to the SCCM console and from there it doesn't have access to remove.

If you remove apps from the publisher that won't sync and remove them from the SCCM console you would need to manually remove them.


Thanks Pete!

I'll document that for our IT team, that an app that should not sync anymore must be deleted manually both from SCCM and from storage.

I'll also open an idea to enhance the Publishing console, and see what the devs think.
#Edit: PATCHMYPC-I-3297

Hugo Marinho (Patch My PC)

Hey PS_Alex,

Just to confirm, what Pete wrote is not correct.

You can actually remove apps from your ConfigMgr/SCCM using the Publisher, however to do so, you need to go into the "ConfigMgr Apps" tab, click on "Options...", click on the bottom left button "Run ConfigMgr Application Manager", from there select the app you want to delete and then click on "Delete Applications". This way the app will be removed from your ConfigMgr, feel free to close the idea request you created since we already offer this feature :)

Hope to have helped!


Hey Hugo!

Thanks for the reply! Looking at it in our dev environment, and I do see the feature. Glad it's already present in the Publishing console!