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Java JRE Pre Uninstall Script Not Working

Started by [email protected], January 19, 2024, 08:48:59 AM

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[email protected]

We have been having issues with the last two JRE versions (8.391 and the recently released 8.401). In the past we have had no issues with pushing this update to our environment. Now it seems that the PatchMyPC pre-script that uninstalls Java (PatchMyPC-Remove-JRE8-64bit-Only.ps1) is not working. The WUAHandler log shows successful. However the log for the removal script shows that it is failing and I am not sure why. The error code line from the uninstall of 8.391 is:

CustomAction isSameFamilyinstalledAndLocked returned actual error code 1603 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)

Spencer (Patch My PC)

Hey there!

Thanks for reaching out on the forum!

For this error we'll want to take a look at some of the client side log files! Can you please collection the following and email them over to [email protected] with a description of the issue and we can investigate further!

When troubleshooting update installation errors on a client, we will need the following client logs:

%WinDir%\CCM\Logs\PatchMyPC-ScriptRunner.log (If exist)
This may be found in the %ProgramData%\PatchMyPC\ if the Install was initiated by the user from Software Center.
You need to run Get-WindowsUpdateLog on Windows 8.1 and newer in PowerShell.

Can you also run the following script and send over the outputted CSV file:



Spencer Cruz


Ive had this issue since 401 I think PmPC aside, now moving to 421 and still same issue. i think its cos some people have a java exe open, perhaps javaw.exe or the like. one user I tested with was using Edge with java running, can't remember exactly but when I got them to totally close out the upgrade managed to uninstall 401 and upgrade to 411.

hope someone sorts this out soon, it usually stays in that error state until the yser has totally closed out of java which could be weeks.

Im using PSADT, If I could find out which exe is causing this then I could propmt user to close it.

CustomAction isSameFamilyinstalledAndLocked returned actual error code 1603


in my case I think it was cos jp2launcher.exe was still running


This months Java update has an issue, its not a PMPC issue really

see reddit and also a clever guy made a fix NOT THAT IM SAYING USE THIS FIX but it just shows what the issue may be



because of this issue, we had some devices upgrading nicely, and others would end up with no java, this is due to PMPC (correctly) removing java then installing newer java. but it uninstalls java fine, but then cannot install new java (error 1603) and then nothing else is done, and devices are left with no java!