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Google Chrome Enterprise Version ?

Started by mguenth83, May 31, 2024, 04:45:28 AM

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i want to ask how i can choose the Chrome Enterprise Deployment in PatchMyPC, i allready choose Chrome but the User ask to inplement the Enterprise Version to get less Updates.
I dont find it in the Catalog, so its hard for me to inplement it.

Kyle (Patch My PC)

Hello there,

You can view the package details for the catalog content to confirm/view which install file we utilize from the vendor. For Google Chrome, these are the "enterprise" versions:

Google Chrome 125.0.6422.142 (x64) --> GoogleChromeStandaloneEnterprise64.msi
Google Chrome 125.0.6422.142 (x86) --> GoogleChromeStandaloneEnterprise.msi


Ah okay, but is there an option to reduce the updates ferquenzy ?