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Silent uninstall for App set up with Conflicting process on install

Started by jybbr, May 15, 2024, 03:27:02 AM

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I have set up Cisco Secure client installation using the Manage conflicting process option - this is working well and users are prompted when an update to the app is required.

We have a number of PC's that have the Cisco app installed but shouldn't have, I've created a group for uninstalling the Cisco client and added a machine to it to. Ideally I would like the uninstallation to be performed silently but because of the conflicting process check on install the user sees a prompt to defer the uninstallation which could lead to confusion, helpdesk tickets raised etc.  Is there anything I can do to allow the uninstall to process silently?

Antony (Patch My PC)


Unfortunately the conflicting processes feature is added into the package and it's not possible to have a silent uninstall if the feature is configured to produce a notification when the process starts.

The only way to do this would be to disable the feature and republish, but then you'd need to re-add it for the notifications to appear again after the uninstalls have been completed.

Let me know if you have any other questions.
