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PatchMyPc behavier after MSSQL DB Restore

Started by TJ, December 14, 2023, 06:48:59 AM

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We had a MSSQL crash and the latest backup we had was from 1 month ago of the SCCM DB.

Is there anything we need to check before running PatchMyPC again?
Will PatchMyPC recreate the software?
Do we need to delete the sources?

Hugo Marinho (Patch My PC)

Hi there TJ,

You will likely have to republish the updates, they will still exist on the SUP, but no longer in the SUSDB (the ones you lost by going a month back with the backup), there are going to be a lot of errors for those missing updates, as PMPC will check if they still exist in the SUSDB, but they won't exist. Also, when PMPC will publish a newer version, it will try to supersede the old version, but that won't exist in the SUSDB either. So republishing is key here.
Depends which updates you have published in the last month, there are ways to determine that, but if you don't have many updates enabled, might as well republish all of them.

Hope to have helped, hope you have a great day!
