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Control sensitivity of version numbers

Started by davev, May 31, 2020, 04:50:14 AM

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I would like to see some form of control applied to version number comparison. Thus 1.2.1 and 1.2.2 could be treated as the same (user does not care about minor releases) or they are different releases and should be flagged.

I agree this would not catch all changes but it would help. The default behavior would stay the same as it does today.




I am one of those folks that want to download and install every update, minor or major, in order to make sure that the application has as few bugs as possible, but as davev indicates, others do not. It makes sense that those folks be given a choice to accept only major changes. Perhaps they could indicate this by checking (or unchecking) an Option box. Of course, this would not only mean the adding of another option, but a loop would have to be added to the program to keep PMPC from doing minor updates. I am not sure just how difficult this would be to the programmer(s), but it seems to me that it would be a fairly easy change.