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I don't have that issue with Firefox and my PMP, but I use the "en-US" version of Firefox and not the "fr" version, so that could be the difference in detection.

Likewise, I also don't have that issue with VLC 3.0.21, as it detects the correct version as being installed and up-to-date.

I don't use the other apps, so I cannot comment there.
Thanks for your answer. In fact, my Thunderbird & Firefox were really up-to-date when I posted this question in June...
But now, these both progs are in the versions you indicated, and PMP still wrongly detects their version, as well as VLC and Audacity :

Audacity 3.3.3 (32-bit)                   actual Audacity 3.3.3 (32-bit)
Mozilla Firefox (x64 fr)  -  121.0.1      actual 127.0.2 64 bits
Mozilla Thunderbird (x64 fr)  -  115.6.1  actual 115.12.2 supernova
VLC media player  -  3.0.20               actual 3.0.21 vetinary

Do you think the developers sometimes look at this forum ? ???  ::)

Do you know where I could find a user's manual for PMP ?

Thank you !
Hi All -

Big Fan of the product, First time posting!
Hope I'm posting in the right place.

I've recently started moving the enabled apps from the PMPC Server App to the SaaS Platform portal.patchmypc.com

I'm uploading the TeamViewer Host 15 files for Latest - and Mistaken uploaded the incorrect file
Well it was the correct .msi file, but it wasn't the custom .msi file with company bandings.
Now I'm not able to remove or delete the uploaded file to upload the company branded teamviewer .msi file.
Also with all the files uploaded [.exe 32 & 64bit] along with [.msi 32 & 64bit] file and I'm still not able to select the deploy file.

Also loosely related, I remember something mentioned on the youtube webinar recently that the 'latest' option should bring all versions on our fleet of devices, to the same type (IE .msi install)


It does not change the date for each assignment. What you should do in this case is instead use the right-click "manage assignments" feature and set the number of days after your sync to make the assignments occur on a specific date. If you want your apps to be updated on the 2nd tuesday every month for example, you can set your sync schedule in Patch My PC to the "second" "tuesday" then use the "Manage Assignments" right click option on your products to specify the date they should deadline.

We were just made aware of this through other channels as well. Webhooks are still supported, they just have to be routed through Power Automate instead. We'll update our documentation accordingly.
I just saw this message start popping up on every Teams notification that Publisher sends after sync runs.  Is PMPC planning to update to a new method for Teams notifications?

Action Required:
O365 connectors within Teams will be deprecated and notifications from this service will stop.
Learn more
about the timing and how the Workflows app provides a more flexible and secure experience. If you want to continue receiving these types of messages, you can use a workflow to post messages from a webhook request.
Set up workflow
Does the "Copy the Assignments from Previously created applications" for Intune Apps/Updates function change the date for each assignment to the current month's Patch Tuesday date? Or does that date need to manually changed?
We are looking for a function similar to SCCM ADR rules. I hope this makes sense.
The right panel shows what version is currently installed. The left panel shows the version PMP wants to install.

FYI, Firefox Browsers latest version is 127.0.2 and Thunderbird's latest version is 115.12.2, so your installed versions are actually out of date.

We'll check this out and get the name updated if needed. Thanks for the feedback.