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Unable to download definitions.xml due to mismatched tag...

XML Parsing Error: mismatched tag. Expected: </HWiNFO32Downloa6>.
Location: https://patchmypc.com/freeupdater/definitions/definitions.xml
Line Number 348, Column 68:
Glad we have more time! We're working on updating our documentation, and Publisher code to account for this change.
QuoteWe understand and appreciate the feedback that customers have shared with us regarding the timeline provided for the migration from Office 365 connectors. We have extended the retirement timeline through December 2025 to provide ample time to migrate to another solution such as Power Automate, an app within Microsoft Teams, or Microsoft Graph.

Translation: We really messed this one up. Please forgive us, but continue to update your Webhooks.

I have uploaded the log files to you.
Hi there, can I ask how many tenants you have configured at the moment? And roughly how many applications have you selected?

You can also send us a log bundle from the 'Collect Logs' button in the general tab. Send the zip to [email protected], and feel free to cc [email protected].

If the zip is too large, you can also use our large]large file upload process.
I'm using PatchMyPC with WSUS to deploy third-party updates to our servers. However, I have an issue where updates for applications like 7zip are bundled together with KB/security updates. This means that I have to install all updates rather than just the specific third-party update.
How to install only the third-party updates outside the maintenance window?
Thanks in advance

Hi louisegull,

I'm struggling a little to understand what you're asking.

Would it be possible to schedule a call so you can show me in a screenshare?

Thanks for your answer. I got it.
We are running the MSP licensed EnterPrise Plus multi-tenant version of PatchMyPC, and I am beginning to onboard our clients (Intune). Running it on a Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC VM with 12GB of RAM.

As I have begun adding clients and their patches, the Publisher app has gotten slower and slower. At the moment, the PatchMyPC-Service is taking nearly 1.2GB of RAM running in the background, but when working with it, it has gone far higher. I just tried to do a repair install because the program has stopped showing its settings window and just run it in the background.  During that time, the service took 8-10GB of RAM. After running the repair, I tried opening it again, and the Settings app RAM in use just keeps rising and the program took several minutes to open (it is still in a (Not Responding) state and is going up and down in RAM usage from 6-10GB for the Settings app). I upped the memory in the VM to 16GB to give Windows room to breathe. Using the app however, especially when applying changes or switching between tenants or right-clicking in a tenant slows things to a crawl.

How much RAM should the application use, and what can I do to improve performance?
Thank you for uploading the file, Liam.

We checked the file's hash and determined that it has the same hash as the one we use in our catalog.
The only difference is the one you noticed as well:

For now, we'll keep the file as it is, as we are unsure why you got a file with a different name.
Please rename the file to match the name of our file for now.

We'll continue to monitor this and make the necessary changes, if needed.
Version 24.002.20933 does not have a full installer for the edition that we support.
Hi Justin and Chris,

I replied to Chris's email since it had more detail about the logs I had attached there. It looks like we have MCP on already, but maybe 1Password's latest installer didn't take kindly to being force-closed?

Thank you