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Messages - dthompson

Yes they work on 95% of our systems. I just have about 50 or so that have been failing.

Funny you say that 2010 fixed some issues.... We just updated to 2010 about 2 hours ago :)
That is not enabled. I was just watching the video from the other link provided.
Yes sir they are distributed to the CMG. Actually I redistributed them yesterday.
Hi everyone,

I am having some issues with 3rd party updates installing on about 80 workstations over our CMG only. When I look at the error in SCCM I am getting that the hash value is not correct. When I have one of these systems connect to our VPN and have it check in the updates install correctly no issues. The WUAHandler log looks fine. I see in the CAS log the hash value error.

Do you happen to know what could be causing this over the CMG only? We have hundreds more that get updates daily over the CMG no issues and Microsoft updates over the CMG.

Thanks for any help you can provide.