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Messages - ThoDah

7Z-19.00-MSIx64 is showing as being superseded but no new update is being found
Well no  ??? I'm on SCCM 1806 and have enabled third party updates through client settings, thought that was enough? I do however have a remote https SUP, so I might need the GPO?
Hi again

so, sorted out most of the issues, but I'm still unable to actually install the updates on clients, they return 0x800B0109(-2146762487), which I know is a certificate chain error.
As previously stated, I'm using a signing certificate from my own PKI, and have added that certificate to Trusted Publishers and Trusted Root (even though that shouldn't be necessary as the PKI root certificate is already in here). What other certificates does it need?
yes, I will send them tomorrow, when I'm back at the office
So that fixed the certificate issue  :)
Unfortunately all computers I've tried to deploy to returns 0x87D00651(-2016410031) (Post install scan failed)
Well, you're right the selfsigned WSUS certificate I initially used, wasn't in my Site servers certificate store and putting it there helped ADR to run, but why is it still using the selfsigned certificate?
I changed the signing certificate to a PKI issued one.
I've tried searching the forum, but I've not found any hint resembling what I'm experiencing.
I've successfully subscribed to the "Patch my PC catalog", and used the publishing wizard to publish a number of updates with full content.
Now, if I setup an ADR, download fails with a certificate error.
If I manually download, the content successfully downloads, though installation fails on the clients I try to distribute them to.

I have during the install switched from a selfsigned WSUS signing certificate, to an internal PKI issued one, but when I look at the content manually downloaded to the package, I see it is still using the selfsigned one. Both signing certificates are present in Trusted Root/Publishers on clients, SUP/WSUS and Primary.

Need some help here  :(