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Messages - JEwens

My question is related to this.  I'm trying to keep Chrome and Edge updated via Intune Updates.  I have a required assignment that I've set to 1 day availability and 2 days deadline.  I'm telling it to keep 2 updates back, but even though it keeps them, it unassigns them.

The issue then is that when Chrome and Edge release daily updates, the update assignment gets removed before it ever gets installed!!

Is there a way to tell it to keep the 2 updates back, but it keep the assignments?  Other apps have this issue, but these two update way more then the others.
Good call. My initial testing was with 361.  I'll update and test again.
The logs say that they find the powershell and run it.  I don't have much error handling in it right now.  I'm just trying to get it to copy the file to the target computer and I don't know the syntax to reference the post script location.  I'm currently trying something like this.

Copy-Item -Path ".\cacerts" -Destination "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_361\lib\security\cacerts"
I'm trying to copy a new CACerts file over after I've installed Java. I added both a PostScript powershell and the path to the CACerts file in Additional files.

I can see in the logs that the script that I've specified is running, but I can't get it to find the CACerts file in the additional files.  Is there a variable I need to be using?

I currently have this.   

Copy-Item -Path "$PSScriptRoot\cacerts" -Destination "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_361\lib\security\cacerts" -Force
Archived Feature and Product Request / Re: OpenJDK
April 26, 2019, 10:04:19 AM
I would be interested in seeing this added as well.
Now that Oracle's Java implementation is no longer free, this appears to be the official owner of the Open JDK.

Thanks for taking a look. 
Anything changes on this?  I have business partners that want to bring this in.  It's being required by SalesForce Data Loader for Windows.

It would be nice to be able to update.