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Messages - mayne

First off - love the program and I recommend it to anyone that asks me for suggestions for an updater! Thanks for all your hard work. Now for my problem:

I've been testing out the "don't check for update" feature for a few programs and saving the settings out to an INI file. I can create the INI file, mark programs as to be skipped for scanning, then save the INI file again, but I don't see anything in the INI file to indicate that the INI file is changed other than the modified date on the file being changed.

Nothing is marked as ignore/skip in the file that I can see from a text editor. If I close out of PatchMyPC, delete the INI file completely, and relaunch PatchMyPC, the same programs are marked to skipped and it acts as if the INI file doesn't even matter and it is storing settings elsewhere.