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Messages - cwilkins

I'm still seeing issues this morning with all the updates that are trying to sync. Is there something I need to do to for an update?
Every time I try to sync updates, I'm getting the error: An error occurred while publishing an update to WSUS: Failed to sign package; error was: 2147942403. From what I've read this has to do with content location moving, but we haven't changed anything.  This was working.  All certificates are in the right location. 

log snip it:

An error occurred while publishing an update to WSUS: Failed to sign package; error was: 2147942403   Worker   2/13/2019 1:48:10 PM   6 (0x0006)
Starting download for: https://download.visualstudio.microsoft.com/download/pr/5ee633f2-bf6d-49bd-8fb6-80c861c36d54/caa93641707e1fd5b8273ada22009246/dotnet-hosting-2.2.1-win.exe   Downloader   2/13/2019 1:48:10 PM   6 (0x0006)
Finished downloading file. Average Speed : 35.44 MB/s (96 MB)   Downloader   2/13/2019 1:48:13 PM   6 (0x0006)
Successfully downloaded the update   Worker   2/13/2019 1:48:13 PM   6 (0x0006)
Digest of downloaded update vPwCiQRoiwQCDiDzRFXwHPo60YE= matches the digest from the catalog vPwCiQRoiwQCDiDzRFXwHPo60YE=   Worker   2/13/2019 1:48:13 PM   6 (0x0006)
Calling WSUS API to publish an update to WSUS this can take a few minutes for large updates   Worker   2/13/2019 1:48:13 PM   6 (0x0006)