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Messages - HMWMCT

I am noticing the same thing.

I am running BitdefenderFree v1.0.14.889

PMP runs, but the log window of installed applications is replicated x30-50 for each individual installation detected, and it won't do anything further.

Bitdefender is not visibly detecting it as a threat, but if you disable the realtime scanning, and autoscan features, PMP works 100% fine without issues.

Running from Win 7 SP1, all current updates as of 3-6-2013.
I have been trying to use PatchMyPC.exe with the switches /s /update without luck.

Using the /s switch places the icon into the system tray, and it remains there indefinitely.

Using the /update switch alone seems to function as intended, however it does not create a system restore point, as I have selected within my options menu.

Using the /auto switch performs a system restore point, and then continues to update the system without issues.

My goal is to perform a PatchMyPC update using the /s and /update switches so that I can use my configured .reg file which includes creating a system restore point, and update the systems software and operating system, all done silently.

Any assistance is appreciated.