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Messages - kitley

Hi Justin,
Thanks, log for SYSTEM user is indeed in C:\Windows\Temp.
Re the custom log location I found info from this old forum post (https://patchmypc.net/forum/index.php?topic=139.msg466#msg466). I take it this facility has been removed from the software? Would be a nice addition but far less important now I have the current location, I can read the contents in to my script. Many thanks
I believe the log file for PMPC used to be saved to C:\ComputerName.rtf but it seems this is not longer the case. I have found the log file in %localappdata%\Temp\PatchMyPC.log but would like to move to a central location however I can't get it to work.
The main reason for moving is that when the Scheduled Task runs, it does so as SYSTEM user and I can find no log file created at all. Does it write a log when run as SYSTEM?
In another post I found a reference to the registry entry LogSaveLocation which I have attempted to set however it seems this is ignored by the software. I have tried a folder and left PMPC to set the filename and I have tried defining the full path and filename and whether run as SYSTEM or an admin user, the log is never created.
Please could you help. What am I missing?
I actually still get a similar error when running PMPC as SYSTEM with the switch /applyallcommon
Running with the same switch as a normal admin user doesn't present the same error.

Failed To read Or write To the registry permission denied. Error: could not find special directory 'Desktop'.
I have experienced the same thing recently whilst testing scheduled tasks on our network and found it to be related to incomplete registry keys within the HKLM\Software\Patch My PC\Options key. I initially received the error whilst running in silent or auto mode as SYSTEM user (scheduled task configured to run even when a user is not logged on). From my investigations, it seems to relate to the PortableAppPath value which defaults to the environment variable for the current users Desktop and therefore doesn't exist when running as SYSTEM. If you run the task as a real user first, it sets the path in the registry and then run again as SYSTEM it works. Alternatively, if you are running PMPC from a script instead of a standard task, you should set the PortableAppPath to a generic path such as C:\PortableApps.

Hope this helps.