We're seeing something similar in our environment. The only machines that have it installed are all running 24.8.2 and 24.8.4 did download successfully yesterday at around 1pm edt. At the same time the failed publishing of LibreOffice Latest showed up and has continued through this morning.
We aren't deploying LibreOffice Latest so I went into my PMPC publishing settings then ConfigMgr Apps tab and confirmed that LibreOffice Latest was not checked. However, on the Updates tab it was checked. Since we aren't deploying that particular version and never have, I removed it from the updates and am assuming that will clear it up for us during the next sync.
One of the error in our PMPC Publishing logs.
We aren't deploying LibreOffice Latest so I went into my PMPC publishing settings then ConfigMgr Apps tab and confirmed that LibreOffice Latest was not checked. However, on the Updates tab it was checked. Since we aren't deploying that particular version and never have, I removed it from the updates and am assuming that will clear it up for us during the next sync.
One of the error in our PMPC Publishing logs.
- An error occurred WebClient reported an error during download (https://download.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/stable/25.2.0/win/x86_64/LibreOffice_25.2.0_Win_x86-64.msi): The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden. [System.Net.WebException] HResult: -2146233079