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Messages - jaymichaud

Thank you for the reply, Spencer. I am familiar with Custom Apps, so I will use that method.
Is there a way to configure the PMPC Publisher to temporarily use an earlier version of its catalog?

Due to our change management process and a technical issue, my organization failed to publish GlobalProtect 6.2.3 before a new version, 6.2.4, was released. More specifically, in Intune, we *did* publish the regular app, but we did not publish the update app. We were about a day away from deploying 6.2.3, but now we can't. I have the installation file (because this is one of the ones that the customer has to provide), but based on past experience, the Publisher is not going to take it. Is there a way to tell it to use the catalog from two days ago (or whatever it would need to be) to publish that app?