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Messages - [email protected]

additional Information:

it seems that the Setup Property ALLUSERS=1 does not work, because it's not supported by the Setup.exe , the other Properties are supported and could be used as additional Commmandline Parameter in PatchMyPC
Hi Raunak,

yes we have faced out the Problem. In PatchMyPC we configured the Microsoft Power BI Intune App and the Intune Update with additional Commandline Parameters , i.e. ALLUSERS=1 DISABLE_UPDATE_NOTIFICATION=1 ENABLECXP=0 .
The Installation will fail if this CommandLine Parameters will be used for Installation, without the Parameters the Installation will be successful.
It's confusing , because the additional parameters are supported Setup Properties for Power BI.

Microsoft Power BI Installation always fails with intune errorcode 0x80072BF5 (there is no Information about this error at Microsoft Intune Error List) . The Power BI Setup will work fine when you install it manually without PatchMYPC generated Intune App.