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Messages - Kenn

Thanks. I have voted for the idea. Hope it will be implemented.
I second this request. It would be a nice feature so that users know when they can open for instance Outlook again after an update for Adobe Reader has finished installing. As it is now they have to guess when they can open the application again. Since you can show the popup asking for accept to close the applications you should be able to make a popup after installation is done as well.
I get the following error in PatchMyPC.log for Zoom Rooms:

Starting HTTP download with no proxy for: https://zoom.us/client/
WebClient reported an error during download: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.
A web error occurred while downloading the file:  ProtocolError
This error appears to be a known error. Please see our KB article https://patchmypc.com/digest-mismatch-download-filtered for the resolution. [Forbidden] The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.

I checked the URL which suggest it is a firewall or web filter issue. When I try to download from a browser using the URL from PMP I get the same error (Forbidden). But if I browse to the downloads manually on zoom.us on the same SCCM server I can download the file, so I don't think it is related to firewall or web filters. However when browsing to the download the URL is 'https://zoom.us/client/latest/ZoomRooms.exe?archType=x64'; which downloads version
So it seems there is a newer version than the one PMP is trying to download
Could that be the issue?
