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Messages - MikeyMcG

We are still evaluating PMPC and wondered about the Self Update feature of PMPC. We're not having any issues, but the question came up...

In the event a new update didn't work as expected, and we needed to roll PMPC back to a previous version, what would that process look like?

For example, I'm assuming that we'd need to uninstall the new version, reinstall the previous version, and then reimport our PMPC settings from backup.  Is that correct?  Also, would we need to contact PMPC for the previous version install files?

We're currently evaluating PMPC.  While testing a PMPC update that is already deployed, we discovered that we want to change the behavior to prompt when the app is running.
So we went into the PMPC console and changed the settings under "Manage conflicting processes..." 

My question is:  Do we need to anything else (like re-sync, redownload, and/or redeploy the existing app updates) for these new changes to take effect?