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Messages - amho


We are also detecting this on 4 different machines so far in our organization.

It might be easier to explain what we are trying to achieve.

We want Intune to only deploy Zscaler once per client, to get the software installed on the clients themselves.
We also want to keep the Zscaler Client deployed from Intune at the most recent version, so the initial installation of the client on new machines always is at the most recent version.

Zscaler updates will only be done through the native Zscaler update function within the software itself.

The issue we are experiencing seems to be due to the fact that most of our machines received the pre-4.0.0 deployment, and has since been updated through Zscaler. This means that the AppID_GUID is that of the pre-4.0.0 version. So even though our clients are in fact up to date, and the Zscaler version on our already deployed machines matches Intune, the AppID_GUID itself is not matching the AppID_GUID in Intune.

We only want Intune to deploy on machines that don't have any Zscaler client installed, which is mostly if not only new machines.
You recently updated the catalogue with Zscaler Client Connector v4.0.0.80, which might an oversight in the detection script.

When deploying the new version of Zscaler to clients that already have a previous version (in this case v3.9.0.183), the old version gets uninstalled before the new version is installed, which would cause an outage for users during this process.

We are updating Zscaler through their own tools and not Intune, but we rely on intune to get the app installed once per computer.

After checking and comparing the detection scripts, I found out that the AppID_GUID has changed with the 4.0.0 version of Zscaler. (see attached picture).

Correct me if I am wrong, but shouldn't the detection script include both AppID_GUID to prevent this kind of stuff from happening? I would assume that most people that utilize Zscaler rely on getting updates directly through the application itself and not intune.Zscaler Compare.png

Great, thanks for the fast response and action.
Can we get a catalogue update for Zscaler?

The current version we get from your catalogue is v3.9.0.183. and the latest update from Zscaler is version 4.1 which was published over a month ago.