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Messages - Coldblackice

Would it be possible to add the ability for users to add software locations to check for updates?

For example, Everything Search (voidtools.com) has a beta branch v1.5, but PMP only checks for the stable version, which isn't updated very often. The link to Everything's latest beta version is static, so it'd be a simple check for PMP, were it possible to manually edit PMP's entry where it checks.

As a test, I modified the definitions.xml file mid-stream as it's pulled down from the server, changing Everything's entry, and PMP successfully picks up on the change and can pull the latest beta update from that URL.

Would it be possible to add this functionality for any user-added apps?

This could even contribute to PMP as a business if a database of user-added definitions was created, user-definitions being uploaded to PMP via the update function.