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Messages - rlgura

A little history: Sharefile was spun off from Citrix and is now owned by Cloud Software Group and is hosted on www.sharefile.com

In PMPC Publisher, Sharefile for Outlook is still listed under Citrix as "Citrix Files for Outlook" - this entry will bring down version, released 4/17. This is also the latest version still available on the Citrix site, even though the download link in Publisher points to sharefile.com

The newest version of Sharefile for Outlook is available here: https://dl.sharefile.com/sfo-msi and is version, released 7/1

Can someone look into updating the process for Sharefile for Outlook?

Thanks for all the great work you guys do!
We do a hybrid approach. We've found that major upgrades from ZScaler (even 4.2 to 4.3 is considered a major upgrade) are disruptive to the network connection, so we deploy those with ConfigMgr/PMPC while no user is logged on. And we use those packages for our build process also, so it's up to date.
Point releases are updated via the ZScaler console.
It's not even saving in Publisher.
The initial configuration: step1.png
I add the additional process and change policy to skip: step2.png
Hit OK, OK, Save and Close
Re-open Publisher and settings have reverted: step3.png

OK. There's a bug here. Publisher is not picking this up as a change - I have no option to click Apply (only Save and Close). If I make some other change (like pre/post script), I can then click Apply and the changes to Conflicting processes saves.
PMPC Publisher version

I'm trying to switch MS Edge WebView2 Runtime to "Skip installation when conflicting processes are in use" because it really doesn't play nice with the new Teams client (and I also added ms-teams.exe to the process list), but when I click Save and Close and check the update again, my changes are not saved. I tried with a couple other apps and same result. Also verified in my QA environment.
I've done this previously with Zoom Desktop (didn't want users closing their Zoom Phone while on a call) and those changes are still saved.
We've started leveraging PMPC for our ZScaler Client upgrades and I'm trying to figure out which versions that PMPC pulls in. (We're also discussing with the vendor their release strategy).
It seems the vendor maintains 3 branches at a time (4.1. 4.2, and 4.3 currently), our security group wants to stay on the 4.2 branch for now, but it seems like PMPC is now just publishing updates for 4.3. At what point do you switch over from 1 version to the next?

ZScaler release history:

Thanks for any clarification,
Rob Gura
Seems this is due to Windows Installer using a unique product code for each system language (even though I'm not using a tranform)

QuoteMSI (s) (04:B8) [22:07:33:766]: Product Code from property table before transforms: '{A9559C2B-F7C4-5D7A-8293-3B1D2D0C73D5}'
MSI (s) (04:B8) [22:07:33:766]: Product Code from property table after transforms:  '{611AD18D-000D-4ABB-84FD-CC503FDE8EC6}'

Adding ProductLanguage=1033 to commandline forced it to install English and seems to be resolving the issue.
DOH! Can't do an uninstall first on a update, because then it doesn't detect the update as needed!  ::)
We copy a master_preferences file to Chrome\Application folder using a post-install script.
Obviously, there's probably a lot we're doing that you won't need, but you'll see the  "do_not_create_desktop_shortcut": true in there

Copy-File -Path "$(Get-ScriptDirectory)\master_preferences" -Destination "$($ENV:ProgramFiles)\Google\Chrome\Application"

  "homepage" : "https://yourcompany.com",
  "homepage_is_newtabpage" : true,
  "browser" : {
    "show_home_button" : true,
    "check_default_browser" : false
  "session" : {
    "restore_on_startup" : 4,
    "urls_to_restore_on_startup" : [
  "bookmark_bar" : {
    "show_on_all_tabs" : false
  "sync_promo" : {
    "show_on_first_run_allowed": false
  "distribution" : {
    "alternate_shortcut_text": "",
    "auto_launch_chrome": false,
    "chrome": true,
    "app_host": true,
    "chrome_frame": true,
    "ready_mode": true,
    "chrome_shortcut_icon_index": 0,
    "disable_logging": true,
    "import_bookmarks": false,
    "import_bookmarks_from_file": "",
    "import_history": false,
    "import_home_page": false,
    "import_search_engine": false,
    "ping_delay": 60,
    "show_welcome_page": false,
    "skip_first_run_ui": true,
    "suppress_first_run_bubble": false,
    "do_not_create_any_shortcuts": true,
    "do_not_create_desktop_shortcut": true,
    "do_not_create_quick_launch_shortcut": true,
    "do_not_launch_chrome": true,
    "do_not_register_for_update_launch": true,
    "log_file": "log.txt",
    "suppress_first_run_default_browser_prompt": true,
    "msi": true,
    "multi_install": true,
    "require_eula": false,
    "system_level": true,
    "verbose_logging": true
  "first_run_tabs" : [
I'm seeing failures for Webex (fka Webex Teams) updates failing on machines in Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Taipei, etc. Update seems to be working fine on US and other English-based machines (London, Sydney, etc).
Currently pushing, but this has been ongoing since at least 42.2
Error in MSI log is "Another version of this product is already installed. Installation of this version cannot continue. To configure or remove the existing version of this product, use Add/Remove Programs on the Control Panel.". That's kind of the whole point of updates is that the product is already installed! (Version is currently installed via our own manual package i pushed last month)

I think I'll try making a pre-install script to remove the existing version first, but anyone else seeing this and have a fix?

Rob Gura
TSS Infrastructure (Desktop) Sr. Engineer
JONES DAY® - One Firm Worldwide®