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Messages - daniel.stewart

I know this is a bit old, but can you share how you edited the script to remove the GUID? I'm running into this issue where it won't repair (exit code 1603) or uninstall (exit code 65535) from Software Center due to the GUID/Version mismatch. I tried removing these two lines and get a different error (exit code 1638).

[string]$AppMSICodeToSearch = '{731F6BAA-A986-45A4-8936-7C3AAAAA760B}',
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

Uninstall error log without any edits to script:
Starting ScriptRunner (V2.1.3.0) with 1 argument(s)   ScriptRunner   4/26/2022 9:23:05 AM   1 (0x0001)
Current culture info name is: en-US   ScriptRunner   4/26/2022 9:23:05 AM   1 (0x0001)
Running as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM (Admin)   ScriptRunner   4/26/2022 9:23:05 AM   1 (0x0001)
Working directory: C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\8g   ScriptRunner   4/26/2022 9:23:05 AM   1 (0x0001)
System path is C:\WINDOWS\System32   ScriptRunner   4/26/2022 9:23:05 AM   1 (0x0001)
Argument #1 is: /UninstallPackage   Arguments   4/26/2022 9:23:05 AM   1 (0x0001)
Inspects argument: uninstallpackage   Arguments   4/26/2022 9:23:05 AM   1 (0x0001)
Uninstallation mode requested   Arguments   4/26/2022 9:23:05 AM   1 (0x0001)
App uninstallation mode requested.   ScriptRunner   4/26/2022 9:23:05 AM   1 (0x0001)
Argument #1 is: /MainFile=Teams_windows_x64.msi   Arguments   4/26/2022 9:23:05 AM   1 (0x0001)
Inspects argument: mainfile=teams_windows_x64.msi   Arguments   4/26/2022 9:23:05 AM   1 (0x0001)
MainFile is: Teams_windows_x64.msi   Arguments   4/26/2022 9:23:05 AM   1 (0x0001)
Argument #2 is: "/MainArg=Reboot=ReallySuppress ALLUSERS=1"   Arguments   4/26/2022 9:23:05 AM   1 (0x0001)
Inspects argument: mainarg=reboot=reallysuppress allusers=1   Arguments   4/26/2022 9:23:05 AM   1 (0x0001)
MainArg is: Reboot=ReallySuppress ALLUSERS=1   Arguments   4/26/2022 9:23:05 AM   1 (0x0001)
Ready to uninstall: [Microsoft Corporation] - [Microsoft Teams (x64)]   ScriptRunner   4/26/2022 9:23:05 AM   1 (0x0001)
Checking if MsiExec is available to perform an installation/uninstallation task   ScriptRunner   4/26/2022 9:23:05 AM   1 (0x0001)
MsiExec is available.   ScriptRunner   4/26/2022 9:23:05 AM   1 (0x0001)
Looking if application uninstallation process need to be aborted due to running process   ScriptRunner   4/26/2022 9:23:05 AM   1 (0x0001)
No need to abort due to the running processes   ScriptRunner   4/26/2022 9:23:05 AM   1 (0x0001)
Running application uninstall   PerfTimerLogger   4/26/2022 9:23:05 AM   1 (0x0001)
Warning: Unable to find the uninstall string for: Teams Machine%Wide Installer with version   ScriptRunner   4/26/2022 9:23:05 AM   1 (0x0001)
Running application uninstall finished with Elapsed Time: 00 minutes 00 seconds 014 milliseconds   PerfTimerLogger   4/26/2022 9:23:05 AM   1 (0x0001)
End of Script Runner. Exit code is: 65535   ScriptRunner   4/26/2022 9:23:07 AM   1 (0x0001)